Register with DjustConnect

As a farmer or horticulturist

  1. On your 1st visit via Google Chrome, go to: and choose the right option: "Your 1st visit? Register as a farmer or farming company".
  2. Please enter your e-mail address. You will now receive an e-mail with a link to complete the registration. Please have itsme or your identity card, card reader and pin code ready. Haven’t received an email? Check your junk mail or contact
  3. Choose the option eID and connected card reader, itsme or other security keys and follow the instructions.
  4. Choose the option "a company or organisation".
  5. You can start managing your data requests.
  6. You are now registered, from now on you can log in directly via the DjustConnect login portal, by choosing the left option.

As a data provider or customer

To register, you must first contact us via the contact form.