API GVP and IKB-VET certification veterinarian


This API gives access to the GVP and IKB-VET certification of the veterinarian responsible for the epidemiological surveillance on Flemish cattle farms.

Interested in these data? DjustConnect ensures that your data request reaches Stable-to-table. Data sharing is therefore 100% Code of Conduct proof without you having to manage the permissions yourself. In just one connection, you get access to the data after permission from the data owner. DjustConnect also ensures that all transactions are legally correct.

  • Certification of all veterinarians in Flanders
  • Integral quality assurance
  • Useful for specifications at home and abroad, audit and label organisations, companies in the food industry

Which data?

GVP (Good Veterinary Practice) certification enables the veterinarian (practice) to demonstrate to the general public and chain partners that they work in accordance with established veterinary quality standards.

IKB-VET gives substance to the VETerinary Compontent of the Integral Chain Preservation. The veterinarians within the system are trained in chain control and the relevant animal species and follow the rules imposed by the systems within the livestock sector.

This API provides access to the following data:

  • Name of veterinarian and veterinary practice
  • Contact details: address, email, telephone
  • Order number
  • Certification of recognised quality system (GVP, IKB-VET)
  • Date of certification

Technical information

All API's on DjustConnect are REST API's.

This API can be called with an HTTP GET call and returns a JSON response.

Mutual TLS authentication (client certificate authentication) is used for authentication. In addition it is necessary to add the following value to the HTTP Headers: "DjustConnect-Subscription-Key" with the key value that can be found in the DjustConnect Portal.

All APIs are made available through Azure API Management.