Dairy climate scan - Carbon footprint dairy farm

Data provider: Klimrek - ILVO - Boerenbond - VITO

Which data?

By clicking on approve, you give permission to send the carbon footprint of your dairy farm, calculated through the Klimrek climate scan, to the apply, the application or the company indicated on the data card.

Only the calculated result will be forwarded.

The company data requested by the climate consultant to calculate the carbon footprint will not be transmitted. The proposed measures are also not shared.

Personal data

By giving permission on the use of this data, the following personal data will be shared: CBE number.

Know more about klimrek


Klimrek is a VLAIO agricultural project in which ILVO, Boerenbond and VITO are collaborating on a climate project for dairy farmers, pig farmers, and arable farmers with potatoes in the cropping plan.

Hiervoor gaat een klimaatconsulent 'de boer op' met een gerichte klimaatscan en klimaatkoers om de landbouwers te ondersteunen bij het overstappen naar een meer klimaatvriendelijke en klimaatrobuuste bedrijfsvoering waarbij ook praktische en economische haalbaarheid in rekening worden gebracht.

To this end, a climate consultant will "go out on the farm" with a targeted climate scan and climate course to support farmers in switching to a more climate-friendly and climate-robust operation that also takes into account practical and economic feasibility.

That climate scan is a company-specific screening tool that reveals where the focal points of the company's climate impact lie. With this insight, the consultant can select climate measures tailored to the company. The consultant then visits the company to present and discuss these measures with calculated scenarios. At the same time, a cost-benefit analysis is made to estimate the economic feasibility as well.